©2022 Christ the King Parish. All Rights Reserved. Website Design by TandarichGroup
Art and Environment Committee
Contact: Peter Piche’ at 933-6010
Funeral Luncheons
Contact: Cathy Weitzel and/or Lisa Hansen via the parish offices at 231.938-9214
Flowers and Landscaping
Contact: Peter Piche’ at (231) 933-6010
Agape Prayer Line
A group of parishioners who pray for parishioners prayer requests. To become a member or submit a prayer request contact Heather Ann Welch.
Contact: Heather Ann Welch at (231) 886-0143
Knights of Columbus (Council #9979)
Contact Mike Sincic (231)313-5511
Meetings are the first Thursday of each month. The Knights are a major religious, charitable and social force in the parish. We urge you to join.
Confraternity of St. Joseph
Men’s group. Join us for prayer, study and fellowship. Every third Wednesday of each month.
Daughters of the Holy Spirit
Women’s group. Join us for prayer, small group discussion and fellowship. First Wednesday of each month.
Let Your Light Shine Bible Study
Tuesday’s at 11:00am. Lunch is served. Contact Mary Apczynski, (231) 264-0104, apczynski@gmail.com
Durable Medical Equipment Loan Closet – Love Inc
There is no charge for items on loan. We are always looking for medical supplies. No fabric items, please.