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The Sacrament of Baptism
Please call at least one month prior to Baptism. Class by arrangement with our Pastor.
Parents who want their sons daughters baptized should contact the parish office. There is a brief period of instruction for the parents and sponsors (Godparents) for the first child. Infant baptisms are usually celebrated during or following a weekend Mass.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confession Times can be found here.
Children preparing for Confirmation/First Holy Communion are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This preparation occurs in the second grade (age of reason) or older. In our parish, we prepare in the fall/winter and celebrate the Sacrament during Lent.
Individual celebration of reconciliation is offered in the reconciliation room (at the rear of the church worship space) To celebrate this sacrament, come to the church and the priest will be ready for you. Individual confession is also available by appointment with the pastor.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist
Receiving of the Eucharist or Holy Communion is the third of the sacraments of initiation. During the Eucharistic Prayer, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Through the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ, we are intimately united with Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, and all the other persons gathered for the Mass.
Children of our parish begin faith formation in the Kindergarten/first grade and will celebrate the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation during the following two years.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation can be conferred upon children (7 years old and older) or adults. Families of children seeking Confirmation are asked to enroll in the Sacrament Process and Family Faith Formation program. For adults who have been baptized in the Catholic Church but have not been confirmed, there is a time of preparation prior to the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation.
Adults who wish to become members of the Catholic Church are encouraged to enroll in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Contact the Parish office at least six months prior to the anticipated date. Only those who are parishioners, or those whose parents are Christ The King parishioners may be married.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Catholic priests are ordained by a bishop by means of the sacrament called Holy Orders. The priest is both the leader of the parish and the servant of the family of God gathered in a particular parish. He leads by example, word, deed and encouraging people to respond to Jesus’ love for us. The pastor of a parish is priest and administers the sacraments and proclaims the Word of God. He also is responsible for the administration of the parish. The priest/pastor is a servant, serving the people of God during their joys and sorrows, sadness and contentment.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
By appointment. Please notify our Pastor when you are seriously ill or hospitalized.
When people are sick or suffering – especially for a long time or with a terminal disease – they become discouraged, depressed, angry and afraid. Anointing of the Sick gives people the grace, strength and encouragement to bear their illnesses with dignity until, God willing, they recover. The sacrament also assures people that they are not alone in their suffering, that God is with them and the Christian community is praying for that individual.
Our parish celebrates a Mass of Anointing at various times throughout the year. Anyone who is suffering from chronic illness, disease, or prolonged pain is encouraged to participate.